Some friends and I had a girls night planned for later in the week, and I figured this would be a good opportunity to try making this fun treat. On the Saturday that I made it, my sweet husband took our little boy and played with him for most of the day. I spent my time making the various components of the entremet. While it turned out pretty well and was very delicious, I'm excited to experiment with it more in the future. I had a blast making! It is so much fun to learn to make new things. :-)
The bottom layer is a vanilla genoise sponge cake, followed by a vanilla coconut creme mousseline, another layer of sponge, a chocolate mousse, and then topped with a homemade layer of marzipan and spun sugar. (I had a lot of fun experimenting with the spun sugar.)
The next time I make this, I will probably do it more than one day in advance. (Most of the components can be made ahead of time.) This is definitely a treat I recommend making!